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Gettng ito IT

Schooling has changed forever! The way we communicate with teachers, the way we use technology, the way we express ourselves and the classroom itself is forever altered. Learn how to cope with the distance, stay motivated and stop the procrastination by using these resources below.

Getting into it!

Watch This!!

1. Getting to grips with Remote learning

3. Success in Distance Learning: 5 tips

5. Procrastination – 7 Steps to Cure

2. Adapting to Online Learning: 7 Tips

4. tips for remote learning

6.How to get motivated to study

Read This!!

1. Healthy boundries

So many calendars, so little time. By now your school has probably updated the timetable and schedule so many times. Keep your head above water by keeping yourself organized. Luckily for you, these simple videos and resources can do just that.

Scheduling 2Learn Well


Watch This!!

1. General planning and scheduling

3.Time management tips for teens

5. Google calendar

2. Time management tips for all

4. Outlook Calendar

Read This!!

1. Sample activity: routine for learners

2. Infographic: Time Management

3. Using Outlook Calendar

4. Using Google Calendar

Your favourite messaging service has been taken over by your teachers. Suddenly, teachers are using WhatsApp to communicate and share information. Make sure you understand the ins and outs of WhatsApp 2Learn by checking out these recent updates.

Using WhatsApp 2Learn


Watch This!!

1. A beginner's guide to using WhatsApp 

2. WhatsApp Hacks, Tips and Tricks

Read This!!

1. Whatsapp Messenger Explained

2. How to use WhatsApp in education

We all remember that jingle zoom zoom zoom, now it has a different meaning. Zoom is a video conferencing and screen sharing platform that can be used for the delivery of your lessons. To discover more, select one of the resources in this list.

Using ZOOM 2Learn


Watch This!!

1. How to use Zoom for online learning

3. Record yourself using Zoom

2. Zoom Tutorial Channel

Read This!!

1. Education Guide to Getting Started on Zoom

2. Comprehensive Guide to Educating Through Zoom

3. Tips and Tricks

Google can do everything! Somehow it has infiltrated the classroom, but has made collaboration and sharing of assignments so easy. Google Classroom keeps you focused and you'll probably never miss a deadline again. Probably. Find out how it works in this section.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom

Watch This!!

1. Google Classroom Tutorial Channel

2. A Student's guide to Google Classroom

Read This!!

1. Google classroom cheat sheet

2. Google classroom tips and tricks

Microsoft Teams is another titan in the education arena. In Microsoft Teams you can share documents, collaborate simultaniously and send GIFs in the chat. This powerful tool is smart enough to keep you engaged throughout the day. Explore here

Learn with MS Teams

MS Teams

Watch This!!

1. Beginners guide to Microsoft Teams

2. students & parents guide to Teams

Read This!!

1. Step by Step Guide For Teams

2. How to use MS Teams for Education

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